10 LinkedIn Apps/Tools You Can Use Today. All in one place – just for you!

Rather than have you blindly search I’ve compiled a list of Apps & Tools you can use today to better navigate LinkedIn.

Sure, you can find them here and there but it’s here now in one place and just for you. Print it..share it…start using it today! Most are completely free (some I use, some I don’t and one, I might say – I wouldn’t use at all). I’ll let you figure that one out and decide for yourself. Please let me know if it helped you in the comments below. Thanks, Carla

Here we go:

1) Easily Share Updates from ANYWHERE

Regular updates will keep you noticed. Keeps you in the eye of decision makers. This bookmarklet get’s a place on your browser’s toolbar. Access it quickly and easily. Share webpages and more with your professional network – easily.

2) LinkedIn Recommendation Wizard 

It’s hard to find the time and to come up with the right words to write a recommendation. This Website will do it for you.

3) Access LinkedIn on your Smart Phone

Download LinkedIn’s mobile app so you can access your LinkedIn network from anywhere!

4) Turn Your LinkedIn Profile into a Resume with a Single Click

It’s quick and easy but I suggest only using when in a pinch and hurried. It is a beautiful platform, however!
Looking for a professionally written resume and LinkedIn profile.  We can write your resume and profile for you!

5) Create a Customized Email Signature

A custom signature every time you send an email message conveys your contact info. in an instant. No need for the back and forth of ‘please send me your phone number’ or ‘what is your LinkedIn URL?’ It’s all right there at the bottom of your email.

6) Need Help Determining Keywords for Your Business, Brand, Product or Service

Optimizing your profile with the right keywords is crucial. This app/tool helps you.

7) Expand Your LinkedIn Network Fast!

Yes, you can gain lots of connections FAST. Check it out to learn more. I, don’t recommend but the site is there for your use and connection expansion.

8) Schedule Your Status Updates into the Future

I suggest watching some YouTube videos on using this platform. It does save time. Especially, if you manage multiple social media accounts.

9) Rapportive, Keep Expanding Your Network!

Learn everything about your contacts while using your inbox AND LinkedIn is integrated with Rapportive too.

10) Create a LinkedIn Badge for your Website

So many ways to promote your profile. Either your online resume, your blog or website etc. Check out the different images.


SocialSafe backs up your LinkedIn account info. for a fee but if you are looking for a free way, check out my latest article on how to save your account data on your own PC from your LinkedIn account privacy & settings.
LinkedIn is an AMAZING tool if you know how to use it! LinkedIn offers a unique opportunity to brand yourself as a polished professional and provides you with unending opportunities for networking. What is MOST important is your LinkedIn profile. Some online real estate that should not be ignored. Stay tuned for many more upcoming articles on the ‘Guiding Principals to Increasing YOUR Exposure on LinkedIn’