Approaching LinkedIn without the Deer in the Headlights Look

How do you start your day when you fire up LinkedIn for social connecting?

Know what you plan to accomplish in the time you have on LinkedIn. Let’s say you have only a half hour to make a presence on LinkedIn today. You know as I do if you don’t have a plan you will end up here, there and everywhere and the next thing you know the time has gone by with nothing more than reading a lot of post headlines and articles with no real social connecting. Hey, reading is key BUT so is responding to the content.

Have a plan and work your plan

A short checklist to plan your precious time while on LinkedIn. Not rocket science but a useful list to refer to.

LinkedIn tried and true tips

Note: Mix it up daily!

  1. Today, I will like/comment to five (5) of my connections posts
  2. Today, I will share a few posts that I particular like and find of great value
  3. Today, I will look at ‘who you may know’ (LinkedIn suggestions) and request connections
  4. Today, I will enter a couple of my groups and add my insight to a question or article
  5. Today, I will go to my connections tab and wish someone a happy birthday or a congrats on a new position
  6. Today, I will update my status with another’s great content found on LinkedIn or another platform
  7. Today, I will respond to a couple messages (that are not deemed spam) with a thank you or no thank you
  8. Today, I will share a helpful article with your favorite group in LinkedIn
  9. Today, I will purposely seek to give honest, constructive feedback to an opinion I may not necessarily agree with
  10. Today, I will use the endorsements feature to increase my visibility by endorsing others
  11. Today, I will give a recommendation to another I have worked with or who has positively influenced me professionally
  12. Today, I will write an article that does not promote myself – but offers insight as to who I am as a person personally and professionally. Be human!

I’ve barely scratched the surface of all you can do on LinkedIn. There is so many features and tools. My vision for this article is to help you not get stuck spending time without direction. Choose several of the tips above per day and see your visibility soar.

Have any specific questions about the tips above. Leave a comment below and I’ll respond soonest.

★★★ Also, please add to the list in the comments. Your strategy matters! ★★★

Carla Deter is the founder of Socially Your Virtual Assistant/Consultant, located in the Washington, DC area. Her ‘solutions not services’ include supporting small business owners, entrepreneurs, associations, attorneys, realtors, busy executives and more with Executive Resume Writing and LinkedIn Profile Writing. Carla can be found on LinkedIn and Twitter: @fxvacarlad as well as contacted at

I’ve had the opportunity to write, re-write and optimize 100’s of resumes and LinkedIn profiles for all professional levels and industries.

Merck | USAA | Nielsen | Bancorp | United Healthcare | Aflac | Salesforce | EMC | DELL | IBM | Marriott | PJ Changs | Hilton | VMare | Roche | St. Jude | FCC

Healthcare | Technology | Sales | Lawyers/Attorney | Automotive | Human Resources | Manufacturing | C-Suite | Financial Services | Marketing & Communications | Business Intelligence | Real Estate | Pharmaceutical | Oil & Gas | Event Management & Services | College Students | Military